thomas c. chalmers in Chinese
click here to translate "thomas c. chalmers" by computers
- chalmers method
- 查尔玛斯金属单晶制取法
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- port chalmers
- 查马斯港; 查墨斯港新西兰澳新线; 查默斯港
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- thomas
- n. 汤马斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。
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- allis chalmers canada ltd
- 加拿大阿利斯查默斯有限公司
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- allis-chalmers corp
- 艾利斯-查默斯公司
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What is the meaning of thomas c. chalmers in Chinese and how to say thomas c. chalmers in Chinese? thomas c. chalmers Chinese meaning, thomas c. chalmers的中文,thomas c. chalmers的中文,thomas c. chalmers的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by